The Clockworks Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) was established in late 2020 and replaced the earlier Clockworks Trust, founded in 2012. Its objects are as follows.
To advance the education of the public in general (and particularly amongst students and professionals in the field of clock-making, repair, conservation and historical research) in the subject of electrical timekeeping, in practical and theoretical terms, and horology in general.
To promote research, training and bench practice in the field, to encompass the study of the history, preservation and conservation of all objects in the field of electrical timekeeping, for the public benefit.
To publish the useful results, provide specialist training, and generally to encourage the wide dissemination of knowledge and best practice in the field and allied arts.
To establish and maintain a suitable workshop and teaching collection of relevant objects to support the studies and research of any students or other persons the trust may assist in educating.
Dr James Nye Writer and speaker on the history of time measurement
Luci Collings Freelance editor, history of art
Campbell Fleming Senior investment management professional
James Naylor Senior Practice Manager, McKinsey & Co
David Rooney Writer, curator and speaker on time, cites, technology and engineering
The Clockworks CIO is registered with the UK Charity Commission, no. 1192875.